We specialize in installation of new sewer mains both offsite and onsite. We are proficient in deep trench installations and have installed sewers ranging from 4- to 30-inches in size at depths of 20-feet and greater. All sewer installations must be installed with proper procedures. Trenches need to be cut to proper grades and not over-dug. Bedding material must be compacted to properly support the sewer pipe. Pipes must be properly haunched at spring line to prevent the pipe from being distorted during backfill. Manhole sub-base material must be compacted prior to installation to avoid settlement. These are just a few procedures that we implement and follow to produce a long lasting trouble free gravity sewer pipe installation for the client.
Acme underground has experience with most common sewer pipe materials used today. Some pipe materials would include CCFRPM (centrifugally cast, glass-fiber-reinforced, polymer mortar) pipe, PVC (poly vinyl chloride pipe) pipe, DIP (Ductile iron pipe) pipe, HDPE (High-density polyethylene pipe) pipe, RCP (Reinforced concrete pipe), PVC lined pipe and VCP (Vitrified clay pipe) pipe.
Acme Underground Inc. has experience in specialty projects requiring sewer-bypass systems to divert live sewer for the installation of new facilities and repairing existing. Working around Live sewers can be very dangerous. We train our crews in all safety procedures working around live manholes and live sewer lines. This includes confined space entry, training of proper sewer gas monitoring equipment, trench safety and competent person training just to name a few.
In addition to the items listed above Acme Underground Inc also has experience with residential and commercial septic systems, special corrosion resistant coatings such as t-lock coatings in both new installations and existing installations, installation of per-packaged sewer lift stations and force main sewer systems, abandonment of septic systems, abandonment of existing lift stations, abandonment of existing sewer lines and relocation of sewer lines.
Acme Underground Inc. can also assist property owners in maintenance of their sewer systems. We can provide jetting and cleaning of existing sewer mains, video inspections of both onsite and offsite sewer lines to check for broken or separated pipes and connections. Proper maintenance is key to a trouble free gravity sewer system.
Acme Underground Inc. has the equipment, knowledge and experience to complete the project efficiently, safely and on time.