Clients rely on good dependable gravity storm drain and storm water collection system installations that operate for years trouble free. To accomplish this first and foremost the pipe must be installed correctly at proper grades and slopes to insure there is proper flow with no bellies that can cause standing stagnant water resulting in public complaints and potentially harmful insects. Poorly installed storm drain systems result in higher maintenance cost and potential flood damage from non-operational systems.
Acme Underground Inc has experience in residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal storm drainage systems. The largest portion of most storm drain and storm water collection systems is the pipeline. Acme Underground Inc has installed all types of storm drain pipe ranging in size from 4-inches to 96-inches in diameter as well as reinforced concrete box culvert (RCB) ranging in size from 3’x6’ to 4’x12’. These types of drainage systems include reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC), corrugated metal pipe (CMP) and ductile iron pipe (DIP).
All storm drain pipeline installations must be installed with proper procedures. Trenches need to be cut to proper grades and not over-dug. Bedding material must be compacted to properly support the Storm drain pipe or box culvert. Pipes and box culvert joints must be grouted and sealed prior to and after backfill. Manhole sub-base material must be compacted prior to installation to avoid settlement. These are just a few procedures that we implement and follow to produce a long lasting trouble free gravity storm drain installation for the client.
Acme Underground Inc also has experience in trapezoidal channel construction, energy dissipaters, Drop inlet structures, catch basins, trench drains, rip rap installation, repair of existing concrete channels, repair of existing storm water collection systems, installation of nuisance water sump pumps within inlets and catch basins, access man ways, manholes and installation of underground subsurface retention/detention systems.
Acme Underground Inc. can also assist property owners in maintenance of their storm drain and storm water collection systems. We can provide jetting and cleaning of existing storm drain pipes, drop inlets, catch basins, trench drains and video inspections of both onsite and offsite storm drain pipes and storm water collection systems. Maintenance is key to a trouble free gravity storm water collection system.
Acme Underground Inc. has the equipment, knowledge and experience to complete your project efficiently, safely and on time.